[Affirmation]: I Attract Success and Share it with Others

I attract success and share it with others.

I focus on attracting success. I create my own luck by constantly preparing to take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. My eyes are open to new possibilities. I avoid viewing my success as something that belongs to only me. I feel compelled to share my success.

Sharing my success with others multiplies it. The more people that can enjoy the fruits of my success, the more happiness and joy I am able to experience.

Success is attracted by the person I become.

I avoid pursuing success. Success comes to me when I enhance my attitude and behavior. I deserve to enjoy great success. My expectations for the future are high. Success happens more frequently when I am thankful for it. I attract more of the blessings that life has to offer by appreciating what I already have.

I live for others, and sharing is a powerful way to demonstrate that. Unselfishness powers my success magnet. Sharing is the key to happiness and the highest levels of success. Helping others is one way to help myself. Everyone benefits when I am unselfish.

Today, I attract greater levels of success than ever before. I find new ways to share my success with those around me. My success and my ability to share increase with each passing day.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. When have I been most willing to share? Least willing? In each instance, what were the results?

2. How can my successes benefit others?

3. When have others shared their successes with me?




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About Jovita Routzong

Jovita Routzong is a mother of 2 beautiful girls, a seasoned IT professional, a Certified Master Life Coach, and an Entrepreneurship & Business Coach. She empowers aspiring entrepreneurs to create an extraordinary legacy by becoming effective business leaders while providing tools for personal development and encouraging a lifestyle of giving.