I am enough

I am enough. 

I am strong enough, smart enough, and good enough. I find authentic joy in my own existence.

I have self-love, and my self-worth is enough. I recognize that my abilities are enough. I have more than an adequate amount of talent and skills. I push against negative thoughts that can make me feel worthless.

I have peace in my heart and soul because I recognize that I am enough. I do enough, work enough, and play enough.

I have love and compassion for the people in my life. I have sympathy for the plights of others. I have enough empathy for the
world. I practice kindness, and what I do each day is enough.

I let go of the limiting beliefs that affect my self-worth.

Instead, I focus on the positive aspects of my life. I treasure my friends, family, and coworkers. I eagerly share my wealth with them. I cherish the time we spend together and live in the moment.

I am enough the way I am right now.

I let go of the feelings that suppress my self-love and joy. I eliminate the negativity that drags me down.

Today, I acknowledge that I am enough. I deserve love, joy, and wealth. I am strong enough to handle challenges. I am smart
enough to make wise decisions. I am brave enough to live life on my terms.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to remind myself that I am enough every day?

2. How can I fight the feelings that challenge my self-worth?

3. What can I do about people and situations that make me feel worthless?

About Jovita Routzong

Jovita Routzong is a mother of 2 beautiful girls, a seasoned IT professional, a Certified Master Life Coach, and an Entrepreneurship & Business Coach. She empowers aspiring entrepreneurs to create an extraordinary legacy by becoming effective business leaders while providing tools for personal development and encouraging a lifestyle of giving.

2 comments on “I am enough

  1. Great looking blog Jovita! Thanks for sharing this post. I am starting to blog anytime soon 😄 Take care 🤗 Cheers!

    – Sonny

    • Thank you, Sonny! Looking forward to see your blog!
      Stay healthy and safe!

      – Jovita

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